Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The development of Initial Literacy

The article by Goodman. Is very simple goes through basics of how kids learn to read and write. He states that kinds in their early age start to realize things, even before they go to school. At home from their parents the kids learn a lot of things. Its true they do learn from their parents or alders around them. I have a nice she is not even one year old, but she sees his mother and father talking on the phone so she makes her hand as phone and acts like she is talking to someone. Even though she does not know what her parents are doing, just because she sees them doing it so she does it to.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Writing Is a Technology that Restructures Thought

Like teacher was saying in Class it was hard to read this. She was right this was hard to read, for me even harder english is my second language. What i understood was it was between comparing how when people started writing how they plato and other fealt about, same thing now days people feel about computers. Like they rezested then they are doing same thing they are doing with computers.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Literacy and individual consciousness

By reading this i just said wow, not only so much detail but how much similar it was to the culture we followed when my family was living in Pakistan. The disagreement over how old his kid was. My dad tell us a story at old time when they were growing up. Every there or four month a person would go to the big city so since that time they would give them list of kids were born in the village for last three four months. So some people forget what day there kid was born so they would make up date and give to the person with their name so he could register them. So when i read that father arguing with teacher of the age of the kid made me smile. I loved reading this paper it was so interesting. When he says they gave him so much respect because he was able to talk to white man in white mans language. So many similarities in the culture i grow up.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Politics of Teaching literate Discourse

By reading this article by Lisa Delpit, I wasn't able to understand the article to well. But i agree with it, that teachers need realize about discourse. Teacher must know about students back round, so then they can understand there students better. In the area they are lacking in by knowing their back round, where they come from a teacher would be able to help them better. It gives a lot of examples where teacher paid attention to there students, then the students did much better in the class room. Example of a student who wasn't getting admission in to med school, by paying close attention to him one year. Next year same student was accepted in to med school.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i just want to be Average

"No matter how bad the school. you are going to encounter notions that don't fit the assumption and beliefs that you grew up with-maybe you'll hear these dissonant notions from teachers. maybe from other students, and maybe you'll read them. you'll also be thrown with all kinds of kids from all kind of background" (89).
The article by Mike Rose is talks about kids struggle through high school. how he had so many different teachers good one and bad ones. I think he is right when he says that school is place u meet so many different people, from them u learn many different cultures. I think he is right when he says that theres some stuff that u only learn from your class mates, that u would never learn from your books or from teacher.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Engaged Pedagogy

In Engaged Pedagogy "That learning process comes easiest to those of us who teach who also believe that there is an aspect of our vocation that is sacred; who believe that our work is not merely to share information but to share in the intellectual and spiritual growth of our student" (p67).
This quote sums up the article on Engaged Pedagogy. I agree with Bell hooks idea of teacher are not to just information, they are their to be role model of the students. Hooks felt in some classes professors were like dictators in the classrooms. I agree that a professor should never be seen as dictators in their classrooms. The teachers should always be seen as role model, and student should not fear from their teachers. But then Hooks talks about professors like Freire, whose style of teaching made him improve his weaknesses.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Inventing the university

I liked Bartholomae's paper on "Inventing the University". He brought up interesting examples of student essays and how they have to be specific or "specialized" in their writing to satisfy academic standards (p. 511). I liked this essay it makes u think out of the box. It shows their isn't one way to write a paper, if you wouldn't write that way you wouldn't get good grade. But as many other people in the blogs said that all our life we are told to write over papers this way. If we would use big words in our paper teacher will be impressed with out using our mind. Instead of focusing on what the paper should be about we tend to think what big word should i use in this paper that would give me a good grade. I know i have done that many time. But the blame can't be all on us. That's how we are thought in schools. But in this essay i see that the writer trying to tell u that they way u write isn't wrong. As long as u know what your topic is and u write what u believe in rather then writing just to get a good grade.